School of Kind Business

Support for introverts, quiet sensitive folks, and slightly-sales-allergic solo entrepreneurs who want to make a rewarding living.

Joyful, creative + practical, get-it-done planning, pricing & marketing for healers, helpers, teachers and makers. We'll teach you to build the container that holds your good work (a.k.a. your business) in a way that aligns with your personality, values and lifestyle. So you get to focus on making this world village a kinder place, while also earning an 'enough' living. We've got your back.
School of Kind Business

If you're like us, you're good at what you do, and you enjoy helping people. You also probably want to earn a sustainable living.

If you've found your way here, I imagine your wish list might include things like: 

~attract more of the people you love to help (your 'ideal clients') 

~earn an 'enough' sustainable living for you and your family

~practice marketing that feels honouring and gracious, and doesn't give you an allergic reaction

~make offers and sales with the ease and hospitality of inviting a new friend over for tea 

~feel less stressed and tired, and receive genuine nourishment from your work

~replace confusion and overwhelm with the clarity of a plan and the resources to execute it

~fill the gaps in the skills you need to run a successful business (maybe you've wondered if you have what it takes)

~have a reliable guide and witness to help you along the way, because you're just plain lonely doing this alone

We might get on really well if you are relieved, curious, or challenged by the idea that:

~introverts, empaths, and quiet good listeners who prioritize relationship innately have a lot of the qualities to run a successful business

~marketing can simply be a combo of listening + telling a story to some folks who've gathered 'round to hear 

~you can earn a sustainable, 'enough' living AND be accessible to more people than you might think

~you get to create a business structure that suits your lifestyle, you are meant to enjoy this

~success is much more about your commitment to showing up every day consistently, with the right tools and systems, than it is about some sort of magic business fairy dust that only other people have 

~your thoughtfully-made, fair trade business doesn't have to contribute to the inequalities and ickiness you see in our economic systems; it can actually be a beacon for the change you want to see in our world village

~your innate creativity, curiousity, and body wisdom are trustworthy guides

You don't have to be aggressive, sales-y, gimmicky, a social butterfly, or use language you wouldn't normally use. In fact, we wildly discourage all of that.

Nor do you have to suffer through 'not enough' time, energy, well-being or money, to do work that is meaningful.

You can be quiet, gentle and kind, and still run a successful business.

If you're good at what you do and have been putting in the hours, but just don't seem to have enough people coming through the literal or online door, the odds are that it's not you: it's your business structure. 

Your good work needs a supportive container in which to thrive. So if something is a little out of balance--your pricing is too much or too little, your services and packages feel too risky or inaccessible to people (or you don't have packages), you're attracting the wrong kind of clients, people really like you but aren't buying because they're confused about how you can actually help them--the business part will feel 'off,' even though you love your work. 

You end up feeling undernourished. Your business isn't kind to you.

Structuring your business to be kind to you is so do-able.

Our sweetly-supported, online courses help you build a resilient, sustainable container for your good work. Each course takes you through a series of practical, get-it-done exercises that tap your innate creativity. You work at your own pace, plus get help with your questions at our monthly Q&A Study Hall via Zoom.

3 Days to Fair Trade Pricing So You Earn Enough-- we tackle expenses and allocating that precious resource, your time; the (surprising) pricing formulas; as well as the ideas and tender emotions that may be holding you back. 

5 Days SKB Core Curriculum--Generate your own complete Kind Business Plan™--pricing, your ideal client, services, packages, a sample give-away, getting support, a bag full of marketing ideas-- in an encouraging, non-overwhelming way. An Introvert's Paradise: you work at your own pace with Self Study, plus you get help with questions at our Q&A Zoom Study Hall sessions.

60 Days to Sustainability--Our most deeply supported program. You create your Kind Business Plan with the full support of one-to-one tutoring with Pamela. (Hi, that's me up there in the photo. I'm your core instructor, guide and cheerleader. You can get to know me more here.) Bring all your questions about pricing, marketing, your ideal client, packages, writing up your services & offers. We'll get it done, together.

And finally, if you just need a breath of fresh air and want to get to know us a bit better. . .

6 Sweet & Simple Ways to Attract New Clients with Kindness--This little 6-day (FREE) course will hit the re-set button for the road-weary marketer. Focus on things like connecting, storytelling, gratitude, beauty, empathy. You get to share what you do with the world. . .without feeling icky. You really do.

Whatever you choose: your open heart, inner knowing, and desire for a kinder world--along with all your other unique qualities and skills--will lead the way. 

You can be yourself, and build a structure for your business that is kind to your clients, sustainable for you, and earns enough.

Does this resonate with you?

Here is the one and only pitch we are going to make on this page. All those courses in marketing, instagram stories, youtube metrics, whatever? The ones that you're taking because you think the main problem is you need more clients, fast? They're not going to be super helpful if you don't understand WHY you're doing that stuff in the first place, i.e. if you don't have an overall plan, and a clear journey that clients can take with you when they resonate with your content, and click through to your services. If you're just getting started in business OR if you've been sort of winging it so far, we recommend you start with our *5 Days SKB Core Curriculum.* It's value-priced, too. What you can accomplish in 5 days (or 5 weeks, up to you) might surprise you.
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(pssst. . . if you're a cautious soul, why not get to know us first with our newsletter. You receive the free Kind Marketing course, plus 2x/month letter with useful stuff for kind-preneurs Subscribe here.